Your Pain is Real …You Need An Experienced Lawyer
If you or a loved one is suffering from chronic pain, you know that it is both physically debilitating and emotionally draining. One definition of chronic pain is pain that persists for six months or longer. The root cause of the pain may vary from person to person. You may be able to identify a particular accident, illness or experience that triggered the pain. In some cases there may not be a particular incident or original source that can clearly isolate the moment that the pain was activated. Both situations present tremendous physical and/or psychological difficulties for the pain sufferer.
Chronic pain cases are challenging. It is imperative that you work with a team of lawyers that have significant experience in this area and know what type of evidence is needed to achieve the best results. We have access to the top healthcare experts – specialists that will carry out the proper assessments to ascertain the underlying causes of your chronic pain, and identify the most effective treatments for the pain.
If you or someone you know is suffering from chronic pain, contact us.